Amazon Guide: Outrank Your Competitor's Keywords

Analyze competitor's organic sales and find profitable keywords you can easily rank for. Detect competitor's most profitable keywords.

Step 1


Open Keyword Re-Ranker if you want to analyze the ASIN's competitors. Open Keyword Hunter if you want to analyze the specific keyword's competitors.

For our use case, we randomly chose B073R2J6H3 and the keyword "matcha powder".

Both ways work.

Step 2


Open Competitors Analysis Section.

We see a great representation of what the niche looks like, and we do not need to waste time trying to understand which clusters and keywords are occupied by the top competitors. We can see exactly how many organic sales the competitors make through specific keywords.

Step 3


In our use case, we see that the top 1 competitor occupies the keyword with the lowest search rank, and most of the competitor's organic sales come from the "matcha green tea powder" keyword. With this keyword, it will be hard to outrank the competition and take the top 3 positions.

Step 4


Also, we see that competitor #3 has a third of the sales from the subcategory: matcha latte powder. The seller's dominating competition in this keyword.

Step 5


What are we looking for? The most interesting keywords for us are the ones with the lowest search rank, but without the dominance of the three big sellers, for example:

matcha tea

matcha tea powder

These keywords are not heavily dominated, they are relevant to your product and, therefore, easy to rank for. These keywords are perfect for focusing on and boosting your sales.

Use this winning strategy to rank higher and sell more.

  • Detect competitor's most profitable keywords.

  • Analyze the niche and how many sales competitors make through specific keywords.

  • Find money keywords that are not heavily dominated by the top competitors.

  • Focus on ranking for these keywords

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