Amazon Guide: Discover Your Money Keywords

Find out what exact keywords drive your organic sales. Save time and money by removing the guesswork and detecting the money keyword.

Step 1


Open Keyword Re-Ranker in Sellerise. Add your product's ASIN. For our use case, we randomly chose B073R2J6H3.

Step 2


Open Keywords Traffic Section.

Ta-da! You'll find a complete list of keywords that make you money and learn now many sales vou make through these particular keywords.

Step 3


Choose any date and keyword and explore the data. You'll see how many clicks and sales you got through that particular keyword what position your product had.

Note, You'll see your most profitable keywords. Sales that came through the least popular keywords might not show up.

Step 4


Scroll up and press the "Download Report" button to download the keyword list. Use the data for detailed keywords and sales analytics.

Use this winning strategy to rank higher and sell more.

  • Find out what exact keywords drive your organic sales.

  • Save time and money by removing the guesswork and detecting the money keyword.

  • Analyze this data to make data-driven decisions and sell more.

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Keyword Re-Ranker and Keyword Hunter.

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