How to Find Keywords of Competitors On Amazon in 2024

Keren Dinkin, Copywriter

9 min read -


What’s the one thing that can spell the difference between obscurity and success in the ever-evolving landscape of Amazon?

Mastering the art of keyword optimization.

It’s the most effective strategy for Amazon sellers to enhance visibility and drive sales, and tapping into the keywords of competitors is one of its important components. Like search engine optimization (SEO) for Google, Yahoo, and Bing, it increases the likelihood of listings ranking high in search results.

Amazon operates on its own independent algorithm, so sellers must optimize their content with keywords specific to the platform. As such, many third-party tools have emerged to assist in this endeavor. One of them is Keyword Re-Ranker Pro, a solution that enables the dissecting and analysis of keywords utilized by top-performing competitors.

Let’s explore how the valuable strategy of finding competitor keywords on Amazon can give you a competitive edge in 2024 and beyond.


Understanding the Importance of Competitor Keywords

Competitor keywords on Amazon provide a unique lens into the tactics employed by high-performing sellers. These keywords are essentially the search terms that customers are using to find products similar to yours. Identifying and applying them on your own listings can effectively enhance and dramatically improve their visibility, making it more likely that potential buyers will find and purchase your items.

What makes competitor keywords invaluable is their proven effectiveness. They are not speculative terms but have already been shown to resonate with the target audience, drive traffic, and improve conversions. By integrating these high-impact keywords into your listings, you’re not just guessing what might work but utilizing what is already working. This intelligence helps you fine-tune your product titles, bullet points, and descriptions to align closely with customer search behavior.

Additionally, competitor keywords can significantly optimize your PPC (Pay-Per-Click) campaigns. Instead of broad or generic terms, you can target specific keywords that your top-performing competitors are successfully using, thereby enhancing your ad relevance and reducing wasted ad spend. It also aids in uncovering gaps in the market where you can position your products uniquely to gain an edge over your competition.

In a fiercely competitive marketplace like Amazon, having access to the right keywords can be a game-changer. They allow you to strategically position your products to meet demand, ultimately driving higher engagement and sales. Amazon knows this, and the company provides tools to help you achieve it.


Competitor research with Keyword Re-Ranker Pro Tool

This reverse ASIN competitor keyword finder is a powerful asset for Amazon sellers aiming to decode the keyword strategies of their competitors. With a streamlined process of identifying and ranking keywords, this tool is both accessible and effective for sellers at all experience levels.

Here are the features that set Keyword Re-Ranker Pro apart:


In-Depth Analytics

Rather than relying on guesswork or extensive manual research, sellers can use the platform’s actionable insights to enable precise, targeted optimizations. Likewise, this data is valuable in refining product titles, bullet points, and descriptions to align more closely with customer search behaviors.


Advanced Ranking Algorithm

Keyword Re-Ranker Pro evaluates keywords based on key performance indicators such as search rank, relevance, and conversion rates. This multi-dimensional analysis ensures that the most effective and high-potential keywords rise to the top of the list. These metrics also help sellers decide which terms to integrate into their product titles, bullet points, and descriptions.


Updated Keyword Rankings

The database in this Sellerise tool is always current and relevant to help sellers stay agile and responsive to market trends and shifts in consumer behavior. Doing so ensures their strategies are adaptable and will remain effective in the ever-changing Amazon marketplace. It also guarantees their competitive edge and sustained sales growth.


Speed of Keyword Generation

By simply inputting competitor ASINs, you can swiftly generate a list of relevant keywords ranked according to performance metrics such as search rank, relevance, and conversion rates. This robust functionality means you can pinpoint high-performing keywords that are driving traffic and conversions for top competitors in mere minutes.


User-Friendly Interface

Designed for straightforward navigation with a simple dashboard and strategically placed buttons, Keyword Re-Ranker Pro ensures that even those new to Amazon selling can easily navigate and leverage the data they offer to enhance their listings.


How Keyword Re-Ranker Pro Works

If you’re looking for an intuitive way to uncover and leverage competitor keywords on Amazon, Keyword Re-Ranker Pro might be the answer to your quest.

Below is a short step-by-step illustration of the process:

  1. Pick one ASIN from the Top Related Products tab in Keyword Hunter or on Amazon directly.
Top Related Products on Amazon with Clicks, Sales, and Conversion Data.

2. Open the listing on Amazon by clicking the button provided to make sure that the product is the same or nearly identical to yours.

3. Once you confirm that the listing is relevant to your search, input the ASIN into the Keyword Re-Ranker Pro tool.

4. The tool processes the input and generates a detailed list of keywords associated with the specified product. Aside from keywords, you will also see other metrics such as their overall performance data: organic clicks and sales, conversion rate, market availability (competition level), and other important metrics.

5. Filter the search settings to get the keywords most relevant to your product.

With this dynamic approach, the tool provides a reliable foundation for refining your keyword strategy and driving sustained sales growth.

Manual Research Using Amazon Search Results

The simplest, fastest, and most straightforward method that offers direct insights is found in the platform’s search bar. Just by typing in keywords relevant to your product (a.k.a. seed keywords), you will be able to get high performing ones, which show up like a drop down menu.

For example, if you’re selling bamboo cloth baby bibs, you may enter the entire phrase as is or just ‘baby bibs.’ What’s the difference? The first one will yield results for direct competitors, which will give you targeted and highly relevant keywords. Meanwhile, the second will show even indirect competitors with potentially higher-ranking keywords.

Another avenue you can explore is entering your relevant keywords into the search bar and going to the pages of the top-ranking products. These are the listings with high Best Sellers Rank (BSR) according to Amazon (note: great BSRs are low numbers like 1, 15, 28, 36). Scrutinize their titles, bullet points, and descriptions. Pay close attention to the specific terms that consistently appear across those listings.

This approach is particularly cost-effective, as it leverages the data already available on Amazon. The immediacy of results allows you to quickly identify trending products and the keywords they are capitalizing on. It also provides real-time insights into what is currently working, enabling you to adapt your listings accordingly.

However, this method can be time-consuming. Sifting through numerous listings to compile a comprehensive list of effective keywords requires a significant investment in time and effort. Moreover, it may not capture all relevant keywords, particularly those that are less visible but still impactful in driving sales.

Despite these challenges, manual research offers a hands-on way to understand the competitive landscape. By analyzing the keywords used by top-performing products, you can gain valuable inspiration that could help you optimize your own listings.

Utilizing Amazon's Search Term Reports

For those enrolled in Amazon’s Brand Registry (get eligibility requirements and enrollment process on this page), search term reports are a powerful tool for uncovering valuable keyword data. These reports offer direct insights into consumer behavior by detailing the exact search terms customers use to find and purchase products similar to yours. This allows you to discern which of the keywords you’re using are driving sales as well as those needing adjustment.



Amazon search term reports give you concrete, data-driven insights. Unlike speculative keyword strategies, this keyword search method is grounded in actual customer activity, thus providing a solid foundation for optimizing your listings. You can refine your product titles, bullet points, and descriptions based on terms already proving effective.

Another benefit is the tailored nature of the information. The keywords highlighted in these reports are specific to your products, ensuring your optimization efforts are highly focused and relevant. This makes it easier to enhance your visibility and performance in a targeted manner.



Access to search term reports is restricted to sellers who are part of the Brand Registry, which excludes some from benefiting from this valuable data.

Another limitation is that they offer historical data, which means they reflect past customer behavior. While this can prove to be a useful baseline, it may not always capture emerging trends or shifts in consumer preferences.

All things considered, incorporating search term reports in your keyword strategy can significantly enhance it by aligning more closely with customer search behaviors. It could improve your product’s performance as well.


Leveraging Third-Party Tools for Keyword Discovery

Third-party providers have revolutionized the process of keyword hunting for Amazon sellers by providing a rich dataset from diverse sources. They compile extensive information about competitor keywords and trending search terms, which you can use to make data-driven decisions to optimize your listings.

There are two types of third-party keyword search tools:

  • Reverse ASIN. This involves using the ASIN of a top-performing competitor to harvest keywords where it’s currently ranking high.
  • Keyword Generator. Most of these tools are free, but their capabilities aren’t as sophisticated as those that offer reverse ASIN search.


In third-party platforms, you have a breadth of data at your fingertips. Their tools scan thousands of listings, giving you a wide array of keywords that might be missed through manual research or Amazon’s internal reports. This comprehensive information ensures that you capture both high-traffic and niche keywords.

Additionally, many providers offer advanced analytical features. Capabilities like keyword tracking, ranking analysis, and even predictive algorithms allow you to stay ahead of market trends. These also provide deeper insights into keyword performance, enabling you to refine your strategy continuously.



Now, the drawbacks. The cost can be prohibitive, especially for small businesses or new sellers. While many providers offer free plans, the functionalities you get may not be enough for your requirements. And if you subscribe to a paid plan (price range $14.99 – $599.99) with high-quality features, the monthly fees can add up, potentially impacting your bottom line.

Also, the complexity of some platforms may present a learning curve. Understanding how to navigate and fully utilize their tools can take time, which may delay your optimization efforts.

Nevertheless, incorporating third-party tools into your keyword strategy can offer a significant competitive advantage as long as the benefits outweigh the costs and complexity involved. And that’s exactly the case with Keyword Re-Ranker Pro.


Why We Recommend Keyword Re-Ranker Pro

This tool stands out with its seamless blend of ease of use and robust analytics. It empowers you to delve into competitor keywords on Amazon with precision and provides data-driven insights that can transform your product listings. By focusing on high-impact performance metrics, it enables you to integrate keywords that are most effective in driving traffic and boosting conversions.

The intuitive interface makes it accessible even for those new to keyword research, eliminating the steep learning curve often associated with advanced analytical tools. Its user-friendly design means you can spend less time navigating the software and more time implementing actionable strategies.

But the best thing for us is the real-time data Keyword Re-Ranker Pro offers. With the continuous updates in its keyword rankings, you can be flexible enough to respond immediately to fluctuating market trends. Thus, your optimization efforts remain relevant and keep you ahead of the competition.

Moreover, the depth of analysis it provides allows you to refine not just product titles but also bullet points and descriptions, aligning them closely with customer search behaviors. This comprehensive optimization leads to enhanced visibility and improved sales performance.

Keep in mind, though, that while Keyword Re-Ranker Pro excels in delivering Amazon-specific data, its utility may be limited for those looking to optimize across multiple e-commerce platforms. Its scope is highly focused on Amazon, which could be a drawback for sellers with a broader online presence.

Final Thoughts: Finding Keywords of Competitor on Amazon

Mastering the use of competitor keywords on Amazon can be transformative for your sales strategy in 2024. Whether you choose manual research, leverage Amazon’s search term reports, or utilize third-party tools, each method offers unique insights and advantages.

Nevertheless, we still suggest that you avail yourself of the 7-day free trial of the Sellerise Keyword Re-Ranker Pro tool. You can cancel at any time, and it doesn’t require your credit card information. Then, you can calculate whether the monthly subscription fee fits your budget, given the potential spike in sales you will experience.

Whatever your decision, remember that as you refine your keyword strategy, implementing the right tools and methodologies is key to maximizing your listings’ visibility and driving sustained growth on Amazon.

Keren Dinkin, Copywriter

Professional in digital marketing and content creation, with 7 years of experience in the field. Keren has a strong background in e-commerce, helping businesses grow their online presence and achieve their goals.

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